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C3 Technical Solutions

C3 Technical Solutions · Customer Centred Compliance
Risk Management and Compliance Consultants


With an excellent track record of assisting companies manage the risks posed by the presence of potentially explosive atmospheres (i.e. those resulting from the presence of flammable vapours and dusts), C3 can confidently claim to be one of the UK's leading providers of support in regard to "The Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations" (DSEAR) in the UK and ATEX across the wider European area.


Because C3 have years of experience conducting and completing Hazardous Area Classification studies (or zoning), Mechanical Equipment Ignition Risk Assessments (MEIRA) and Equipment Inspection across a range of industries from Oil and Gas to Pharmaceuticals, and have developed a range of simple yet effective tools.

What's more the C3 system is designed to be holistic, looking not only at zoning and equipment suitability but also the associated management systems and 'softer' aspects.

In addition, and although not strictly necessary under DSEAR, C3 has found that the generation of an Explosion Protection Document or EPD, is a good way for operators to make the necessary demonstration.

In recent years C3 has been able to help save operators significant money by reviewing classification studies completed in previous years, using the 'blanket zone' approach and justifying reductions in the extent of the 'real' zones and thus the amount of equipment requiring inspection.

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